Creative Books Reviewed by iHanna – Must read books!

Below is a list of creative books that I have reviewed here on my blog. To read one of my book reviews click on the book cover itself. In these book reviews I show images from the book and link to more information on getting the book via Amazon. When you purchase a book through the amazon-link I get a small (but very welcome) referral fee. It won’t cost you any extra, though.

By the way, I’ve self-published some books, including A Creative Year that you can buy via Lulu as well as a downloadable book on mail art and DIY Postcard Ideas.

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Studio iHanna Scalloped Border
Books read and loved by iHanna on art, craft, life and creativity - a list of must-read books for artists
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More Craft and Art Inspirational Books

Book reviews and recommendations by iHanna who says: I want to read ALL the books!

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iHanna’s Book reviews blogged

Must-read books on creativity

On meditation: I recommend you to try meditation with Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book mentioned here and to read A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purposemy thoughts
Want to read some famous Swedish thrillers? I mention a few titles here.
About being a writer: my thoughts
I’m in this book: 1000 artist journal pages – my thoughts
The Happiness Project – Gretchen Rubin’s book is my happiness bible! The Happiness Project –Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

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