Kid’s stuff…

Blue fabric
Here is a better picture of that cute fabric I bought earlier. I’ve sent some to mom, because blue is her colour.

I browsed through a Second hand shop outside of town last week where I don’t go very often since it’s to expensive for my taste. They accept peoples old stuff and sell it for them, which means the seller has set a price and there is no bargain! Boring. But this time I made some nice finds:

Kid's stuff
In a box I found some small plastic bags with different kinds of small toys bundled up together. I got a pile of Monopoly money and four very cute Barbie stamps with birds and a butterfly on! I really like these stamps a lot.

Blog recommendation of the week

Two great arty mom’s:
If you have kids or really like kids (or hate kids and just want to read about em’), I think you should visit Stephanie’s blog Stephanie skriver and read her wonderfully cute stories about her boys and life. She is a great writer.
I also think you should visit Kaleidoscopic Kris whose blog I found a couple of days ago. She does lovely art and I knew I was coming back to read more when I read her post about Mom’s art camp! That is the kind of mom I want to be one day.

5 Responses

  1. Hi Hanna :) I like your new design in here a lot! Very pretty.

    I had some Barbie stamps similar to those when I was young–I stamped everything with them! How fun :)

  2. Hej Hanna
    Skriver p? svenska… eftersom man k?nner sig mer exotisk s? h?r i det englandiska spr?ket ;-) Tusen tack f?r rara rader hemma hos mig & Rutan Knutan, vi ?lskar ju bes?k & kanske speciellt Norrl?ndska ;-) (sm?rar lite) Din blogg inneh?ll ofantligt mycket nyttigt & sev?rt & herrejisse vilken rackare p? engelska du ?r!
    Hoppas solen skiner i Ume & att sommaren inte ?r s? l?ngt, l?ngt borta…

    V?lkommen tillbaks till oss!

    Sommarh?lsning/ LISA & RUT

  3. wow! Swedish monopoly money….cool.
    I’ve been noticing the most interesting stuff at garage sales is often the children’s stuff. I found my mini-journal among children’s coloring books and I found a “Mummy Rummy” card game with beautiful Egyptian graphics. I almost hate to cut them up.

  4. Tack f?r en s?n rar och v?rmande komplimang :) !
    Mmm. Jag tror inte att jag ?r s? v?rst duktig p? att skriva, men jag skriver ?nd? :) Och tr?nar p? svenskan, fast d?r ligger nog massor av stavfel och uttryckskonstigheter !

    H?r har du minsann gjort det nytt och fint. Jag gillar verkligen hur du visar upp shoppingfynden och detaljerna i ditt pyssel. Inspirerande och helt enkelt ‘entertaining.’


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