The Beauty of Withered tulips

I still think that withered tulips are beautiful. They are more fragile than before. Their colors muted, their petals wrinkled – and then they become almost transparent.

Withered tulips photo by iHanna - There is beauty everywhere if you care to look for #beauty

Don’t get me wrong, I love them when they are cute as buds, and all the way to full bloom too. But I don’t think their beauty ends there. I think they can stay on the table a couple of days more…

Wittered tulips on display by iHanna

Notice how the colors starts to fade? It’s the natural progression of nature. I think they’re so beautiful, and my camera agrees.

I think they are just as beautiful - the wittered tulips by iHanna

Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

Notice everything, and bring your camera. And maybe make some postcards?

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