Vlogmas & DIY Christmas Wreath

It’s almost Christmas and I just wanted to pop in here to wish you all a very Merry Christmas holiday, if you celebrate it, and if not, a lovely couple of days free from work hopefully. I had lots of grand plans for this month, to decorate at t home and to make several Christmas journals like I did last year, but all of them fell to the way side in one way or another.

Purple Hyasinth at my parents house -  Photo by Hanna Andersson, aka blogger iHanna

Away with the old…

The only really Christmassy thing I’ve done so far is the annual saffron bun baking with mom, as you can see in the video below. Otherwise the apartment is pretty bare, as is my bank account. I very unexpectedly and to my great sadness lost my main freeelance gig this month, which left me both devastated and depressed. I think my employer treated me wrongly, with no invitation to a meeting or a possiblity to discuss what ever the problem was. Just a “Good bye” – not even a thanks for the four years I’ve been the Editor in Chief for their magazines. Maybe it’s what to expect when working with older ladies that don’t mind stabbing you in the back like that? I cried for days afterwards.

I truly loved making the layout of the magazine, working with texts (mostly written by amateurs but still some that I personally found both inspiring and well written) and photos of handicraft etcetera. But it’s been loads of problems this past year too, with missunderstandings and wrong-doings, so maybe it’s a good thing I now have to move on from that toxic environment… I think I’ll see the good in the situation, as soon as my economic situtation feels a little bit more stable. Right now, it’s not very great at all.

Saffron buns - my favorite Christmas tradition

Christmas journals WIP

The Christmas Journals that I was working on, in regular TN size, with a junk journal feel, weren’t finished because of the job situation thing. I just couldn’t bring myself to sew them together or even think about them. I wasn’t feeling very jolly, you know? I didn’t even get to finish my own Christmas Journal (or December Daily as it could also be called) and that was not good for my general mood either – as I’ve written about before the December journaling did help a lot! They’re all stored away for now, and in January I am planning to release a few other Junk Journals that is not on a theme, but just generally awesome.

Vlogmas time

So sorry, I did not mean for this blog post to be so negative, but writing it out helps, and also explains where I’ve been this month. I do hope you’re in a better place. And to spread some inspiration and happiness I edited together a little quick vlog of when my mom and I created (in a very clumpsy newbee way) our first Christmas Wreath. The footage makes me laugh, because it looks so bad for such a long time…

There are some clips of Smilla the cat as well as us two baking the saffron buns (recipe here). I tagged it “vlogmas” – for vlogging Christmas, a YouTube tradition where some people share a little something from their life every day until Christmas. I felt stressed just finishing this video and uploading the one video in time (and then it took two more weeks before I wrote this and shared it on my blog), so I doubt I am vlogmas-material, haha. But I do enjoy sharing life and creativity in moving pictures so very much.

I hope you like it.

If you can’t see the video embedded in this post, click here – and while on YouTube feel free to add a comment and give the video a thumbs up, I appreciate that a lot.

Christmas Wreaths blue and pink style

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, hopeing you’ll find time for journaling and creativity in between the celebrating. And if you find the time to write a comment on this blog post you know it will warm my hearth very much.


9 Responses

  1. Oh, Hanna, I am so sorry about the freelance job. It sounds like they treated you very badly.
    I hope you will have the happiest possible season and that something wonderful awaits in 2020.

  2. Hallo Hanna
    What a wonderful video.
    Im so sorry that you lost your job.
    Next year gonna be a better year, I hope, I hope.
    Love you

  3. Thanks for the great video, Hanna! I could almost taste the lovely saffron buns! Glad you got to bake and craft with your mom.

    Sorry for the hurtful situation. We’ll all be hoping for wonderful new opportunities for you in 2020! We sure do love all you do, and know there are others out there that will recognize your talents and strengths as well! Best of luck to you in your search!

  4. Sorry to hear you lost you freelance job. Hoping the universe will take care of you because when one window closes, a door will open. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very good 2020 from the Netherlands.

  5. Hi Hanna
    So sorry about your freelance job, but I feel sure something much better will arrive for you in 2020. Sounds like it was time to cut ties anyway, but its not nice when it happens to you and they are so unfair.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you, from down under New Zealand.

  6. Der Hanna,

    Merry Christmas and may your 2020 be way better than the end of your 2019.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs. Try not to worry, something will come up work-wise for you.

    P.S. The buns look really good! I normally never ever eat in the mornings but after seeing those, it’s gonna be hard not to ‘cuz now I’m thinking I’m hungry. Ha! Ha!

    • In my comment above, it was supposed to say DEAR Hanna but somehow the A got left out … My laptop is getting kind of old and I do have problems with that but normally it’s my n and m that half the time don’t come up when I type them.

      Oh well, I thought I’d better clarify what it was supposed to say as I think you guys also speak another language in your country as well as you speaking English? And I’m just praying that the word Der isn’t something bad in whatever language that is spoken there. lol

  7. Jag håller tummen för att något nytt, bättre, kommer i din väg. Snarast! ❤

  8. Hanna, the same thing happened to me last May. I lost a client, a man in his 50s, with no explanation. This behavior has nothing to do with “older ladies”. In the heat of anger we might say things that we later regret. I can assure you that people of any age and gender can be unprofessional. Best to you in 2020.

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