Celebration time + giveaway

Printed a copy of the stART zine by Tammy of DaisyYellow printed

It’s my birthday today! Yeah, I know. Again. Blah kind of, I’m getting older. Who cares? ;-)

But to help me celebrate Tammy of DaisyYellow has kindly donated three copies of her awesome e-zine stART (issue #4). I have my copy printed, as you can see, laying beside my favorite Hello Kitty mug. I have been raving about this zine before, and the latest copy is full of prompts and ideas to get you started with creative thinking and doing!

Givaway celebration time on iHannas blog

To be entered in the drawing to win one of the copies we’re giving away: I would like to know one thing you do for yourself (I hope you do many) to make you happy. Share a pick-me-up idea you use on days when you are low, or something that you do often to keep balance in life. I know many of us do artsy things. That’s all, write it in the comments below – and you’ll be entered!

Oh, and join me in wathing this guy sing to me, it makes me smile:

Like I mentioned yesterday I don’t feel happy happy happy today, but a-okay anyway. And I am really pleased to have a giveaway (and more coming up!) on my blog. It’s not something I do often so it feels special and fun to me.

If you also feel like sharing this post on FB, twitter, in a blog post or somewhere else, of course I appreciate that. The drawing will be a week from now (and you’ll know because I will close the comments when it’s final).

Thanks for visiting and reading my blog! And big thanks to Tammy of the awesome blog DaisyYellow for helping me celebrate today!

100 Responses

  1. Happy happy birthday Hanna! Mine was just two weeks ago, we’re Aries companions!
    If I’m having a particularly low day I watch the Muppets Movie while doing some easy crafting that’s just a piece for me and drinking a glass of orange juice mixed with fizzy water (yum!). Especially the songs Rainbow Connection and Moving Right Along. Jim Henson knew how to go straight to your heart!

  2. Happy Birthday! I hope is is filled with cake, flowers, and fun. That seems fair, doesn’t it? If I’m having a bad day, I give myself an hour to feel really bad, sad or mad. In that hour, I can’t do anything else. Just feel my big emotions and pout. Usually, after about 15 minutes, I’m really sick of it. Then I hold my cat till I am ready to face the world again.

  3. Grattis Hanna! Hoppas du har en fantastisk dag!

    If I’m sad, I dance the blues away! I stick on some up beat music (radio/cd/ spotify) and just dance till I feel the blood pumping, and the laughter bubbling. If the kids join in, I usually reach that point a lot sooner because they don’t give a toss, and just go wild.

  4. The best thing I do for myself is getting a massage every week. With fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, getting a massage is more like physical therapy. My husband can tell if I’ve had to miss a week (which doesn’t happen often!) by my pain levels.

  5. Many Happy Birthday Wishes to You! Thank you for the present for one of us! A nice cup of tea, a good book, and music … makes my day better!

  6. Happy Birthday, Hanna!
    I hope you have a wonderful day.
    and my idea for sad moments? well, there is something that AWLAYS lifts my spirits – quite simply really – getting my hands dirty with paints and inks. even if I don’t create anything amazing, it’s the very process that makes me instantly elated.

  7. Happy Birthday !!!
    I would love to win this great zine – such great inspiration fo rthose days you just need a way to press the start button.

    One of my favorite things to do when I need a little pick me up is change things around on my altar in my studio. On the altar I have sea shells, some of my painted rocks, notes from friends, art work I love from some of my friends and some of my own and lots of othe rlittle things to play with. I change the vignette around, give it some new energy and sometimes light a candle there too. Or place a flower from the garden in a small vase there. It is a little creative space that reflects my heart and things I love.
    I hope you have a sweet sweet celebration of all the wonderful things about Hanna !
    light and Love !

  8. Happy Birthday! I love birthdays, always have. My activity that keeps me ballenced, that I could not do without is at least 20 minutes of meditation every morning. Sometimes it goes longer, usually it’s great and I have to tare myself away, but every now and then I spend the time watching the clock. Either way I feel connected, loved and ready for the day. Of course, there is also my art journal.

  9. Happy birthday Hanna!! I hope you have a great day :)

    What I do to make myself happy is to go to the forest. It’s the perfect place to think about things and leave the bad behind. I always feel so much better and happier when I leave the forest!

  10. Happy Birthday Hanna! I hope you have a wonderful day and an even better year to come:)
    I try to write in my journal as much as possible. I don’t have any set rules but I usually write almost every day. I find it keeps me grounded and helps get rid of negativity in my life. I also mark out some time each day to lose myself in a good book.

  11. Happy birthday, april girl!
    I’m an april girl, too, eh eh :)
    Thank you for this giveaway! I read an issue of this zine some time ago and it was lovely and inspiring, so… finger crossed for me :P
    When I’m not happy-happy (or when I’m a bit sad) I…
    … go for a walk in the nature
    … listen to energetic music (disco dance of the 70s works well)
    … eat dark chocolate
    … take a nap
    … clean the home (it helps me to give order in my brain and heart)
    … watch some “Friends” episodes on youtube :)

  12. A very happy birthday to you, Hanna. Hopefully you are feeling better now. What I do when I feel a bit low (and that happens to me, yes). Play with my pet rat, called Smilla (where did you get that name? from your cat !! LOL) or I wath a video from The Ashton Brothers, they are great performers.
    Would love to win a ezine.

    • Cindy, w-w-what? There is a rat named after my Smilla? Super cool! She would be drooling with happiness if she could meet your pet, but probably your Smilla wouldn’t be very much longer! Makes me smile to know, thanks for sharing!

  13. Happy Birthday! I tend to buy Starbucks frappucinos to treat myself. Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. happiest of happy birthdays, hanna! i hope you have a magical day.
    it’s a little thing, really – and maybe even a bit cliché – but i do love getting flowers for myself. either i buy a cheap bouquet or little potted plant (i bought two potted pansies for less than 2€ a few weeks ago!), or i go on a walk and gather dandelions or other wild flowers that i see. the bright colors and the presence of something living in my room makes me super happy.

    all my love!

  15. Happy birthday!
    I hope you have a wonderful day.

    I would love to enter the drawing.
    On a day when being low (or being happy as well), I enjoy making myself a nice footbath. Just fill up a tub with hot water and some foot bath salt and that’s it! It is so nice to put your feet into the hot water and relax… :-)

  16. I hope you’ve had a wonderful day even with your back hurting. Normally I don’t have bad days but the times I do (a couple of times a year) I allow myself to have that day. When my creativity is low I normally go read archives so thanks for bringing yours back.

  17. Happy Birthday to you!! I just found you via &Stitches, and what a nice surprise to find so many inspiring posts that are new to me.
    Ok, about what I do to cheer myself up, of course I embroider. But I also buy flowers or plants.
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway, I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

  18. Sending Happy Birthday wishes your way. Hope you have a great day since this is your very own special day. You really have me thinking now as to what I do for myself when I am having a bad day. About the only thing I can think of is that I pop the top off of a Pepsi.

  19. Happy Birthday, Hanna!!!

    To treat myself, I get my nails done (painted and manicured professionally). I am SO not a material girl, but I LOVE the feeling of being pampered. That hour is all for ME and no one else! :) A few times a year doesn’t break the bank and it always gives me a feeling of being special :)

  20. Happy Birthday! When I’m feeling low I like to work on my art journal. Usually something unexpected results and I’ve forgotten why I was having a bad day in the first place! Thanks to you and Tammy for the opportunity to win the e-zine!

  21. Happy Birthday! I love going to a thrift store. I don’t even have to buy anything. Something about looking at the random collection of things makes me feel inspired.

  22. Happy Birthday to you! This is a great giveaway! Something I do for myself is to take time to look through old magazines and rip out pictures/words/letters that I love for inspiration. This always makes me happy and calm!

  23. Happy birthday!!
    I love looking through photos of my children all through their ages and now of my grandchildren to cheer me up and remind me of my many blessings and all the happy times we have had. since reading all these wonderful blogs about journaling i hope to make some of the pics into memory books for even more enjoyable viewing.

  24. Happy Birthday! Mine is in 2 months and it’s the big 4-0!
    When I am having a rough day I like to take a nap!

  25. Happy birthday, iHanna. :) I hope you have a beautiful day filled with love, laughter and light.

    To keep balance in my life, I spend a lot of time hanging out with my husband. After working and dealing with rude customers all day long, it’s nice to enjoy some one on one time with someone who loves me unconditionally, just for being me.

  26. Happy Birthday!

    Hope your back is feeling better :)

    If I’m feeling a bit miserable…. sometimes a little treat like a magazine to read in a nice bubbly bath does the trick. Flowers are always good. I love flowers! A bar of good chocolate! Getting outside always makes me feel better…… though sometimes I have to force myself if the weather is yukky. The number one thing though to feel better for me is to put on my radio/music and get out my supplies and get messy and forget about stuff that probably doesn’t matter anyway.

  27. Happy happy birthday! Thanks for the joy you’ve brought me this year through finding your postcard swap and participating!

    It depends on the weather/time of day/other responsibilities, but some things I might do if I’m feeling blue:
    *take a walk
    *watch the birds outside
    *order a treat–art supplies or a book I’ve been wanting
    *let myself read for a bit while the kid(s) entertain themselves
    *knit–it’s hard for me to just *be* but often when I’m feeling out-of-sorts, the best creative thing I can do is let the wool run through my hands while I knit something
    *call my sister!

  28. Happy birthday! Thank you for another year of inspiration!

    When I’m feeling down I like to play with my art supplies, watch a favorite movie, or play some music. I also try to get in exercise almost daily to keep my mood up in general.

    Enjoy your special day!

  29. Happy happy happy birthday! Depending on my mood I will either create for fun (so no working on projects) or watch an inspiring or funny/feel good movie. Also a piece of chocolate never hurts.

  30. A very happy birthday to you – wishing you many more. I always call brother or sit and read some of my favorite poetry or take an extra fun walk in the woods.

  31. Oh, auguri to you from Italy! Happy Birthday – I do hope you have a great day!

    I think we all have down times at some point, sort of the cycle of life routines. It’s nice to have an arsenal of pick me ups though – I actually have certain songs that instantly give me a happy upbeat feeling. Also, going to do some outdoor activities or taking a walk on a nice sunny day – really picks me up!

  32. A very Happy Birthday to you Hanna! Remember to live in the present moment…the NOW…. yesterday or tomorrow doesn’t matter, only right now, and you will find happiness in accepting whatever fate gives you at this moment. Be grateful just to be ALIVE.

  33. Happy Birthday! I do lots of things for myself but the biggest? I don’t allow myself to feel guilty for taking “me” time. The kids will all survive for an hour.

  34. Happy Happy Day!

    If I can get into my studio and just play with some stuff I always feel better. Or I go for a walk outside if the weather is good. Walking always clears my head and makes me feel better.

  35. Great giveaway! One of the best things I try to do for myself is take time out for a walk where I clear my mind and enjoy nature. Thanks again for giveaway.

  36. Happy Birthday!

    I try to start my mornings with candlelight, coffee and soothing instrumental music. Then I go for a morning walk in the woods. If the weather is nice enough out I spend a few minutes playing simple rhythms on a hand drum to relax my mind.

    By the way, I enjoyed the Swap so very much! Thank you for all your hard work organizing this!

  37. Happy happy happy birthday Hanna! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

    One thing I love to do for myself is log onto Google Reader and catch up with all the blogs I follow. All that creativity in one hit is just YUMMY!


  38. Happy happy birthday! I love to go get a salon pedicure…feels so good and the aromas combined with that soft chair on massage mode is heaven! And I love the colors and their names…waitress red, smiling annie, and so on! Bliss!

  39. Hi Hanna,
    Hoping you are having a most happy birthday. I do several things for myself that make me happy and lift my spirits. Love to get near the water and watch the swell and eddies over the logs and rocks. Nothing soothes me like the water. I also love to sit quietly and stitch. Love my needlework time.

  40. happy birthday hanna!……i like to swim or just look at water……..very calming & meditative……( our blog birthday was yesterday too).

  41. Happy Birthday Hanna!! When I’m feeling a bit blue I do any number of things.. I like to watch some Mystery Science Theater 3000 or any other funny show on YouTube.com. I sometimes indulge in some tragedy-turned-happy-ending type show on tv. Or watch some of my favorite artists on ustream.com or youtube.com.
    Or just paint my finger and/or toenails – usually purple in my case ;o)

  42. Hi and Happy Birthday! I just discovered you in a roundabout way–you know how that goes when surfing. So glad I did as there seems to be lots of inspiration here. What do I do for myself? Every few years I go on a quilting retreat to a fun place with a great teacher. I save up and then spend all of the money necessary to make it fabulous from start to finish. I make new friends and come away refreshed body and soul. Worth every penny!

  43. Happy Birthday! Don’t be bummed about getting another year older, be thankful for another beautiful year of life! :) As a pick-me-up when I’m feeling down, I create something in my art journal, or I go to bed an hour early and relax and read. I’m pretty darn exciting! Lol!

  44. Hope you had a fun birthday. As I get older I find a birthday is more about having a nice lunch with friends or doing something little that is fun. I try to make some time every day to do something arty, whether it is making a background page or adding something to my art journal, or scrapping or whatever. Enjoy!
    Aloha, Kate

  45. I like to drink coffee and read blogs that inspire me to create and play. (Of course, step two is creating and playing.)

  46. Happy Happy Birthday Hanna!!! I Love your blog – thats what i do if i’m blue – i visit you! I also love Tammy’s blog and just purchased ALL of her zines. They rock!!!! I don’t want to win I just wanted to wish you a great week (birthdays in my world last a week)

    Oh, and for all of you who don’t win you REALLY need to purchase DaisyYellows Zines!
    they’re awesome!

  47. Congratulations!
    What I recommend is going for a long walk – preferably by the sea or a lake. Inevitably your spirits are lifted and your perspective shifts.
    You have access so much nature in Sweden, so there’s no excuse :-)
    Bring your camera and when you start feeling you want to take pictures you’ll know that you are on the right track.
    Many happy returns,

  48. Ett stort GRATTIS till dig om än en dag försent!
    Hoppas dagen igår var bra.

    A big CONGRATULATION to you even if its a day late!
    Hope your day yesterday was nice.

    Today it is actualy my birthday…. :o)

    To keep in balance I take two ZUMBA workout pass every week. It“s fun, gives you new energy and gives you a feeling of that you are good to your self.
    And to feel better when I“m low, a long hot shower washing away my problems and worries down the drain is a good trick for me.

    Have a wonderful day, mine is going to be nice even thou I have to work.

  49. Hip hip hurra Hanna! I take photo-walks to make me happy – me & my camera & the world! I take photos, I stop a lot, and I see, watch, observe and contemplate. That“s a good thing for me & it gives ideas and thoughts for my creative life.

  50. Happy Belated Birthday. I hope you enjoyed your day!

    The zine looks wonderful.

    What do I do for myself? I make time to sketch daily.

  51. Happy Birthday dear Hanna, thank you for all of the PINKS and the MAIL ART and the JOURNAL PAGES and the beautiful STITCHING and your happy outlook on life. It fills our world with smiles. And thank you for your kind words about the Zine!

  52. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope you have a fabulous year!

    When I’m done I tend to do one of three things or all three:

    1. Go for a photo walk in my neighborhood especially now that it’s spring and capture all the lovely greens and pretty flower colors.

    2. Go window shopping with my camera. Nothing brightens a mood better than capturing no and usual things and vibrant colors and let’s forget that little stop at your favorite coffee drink house for a little snack.

    3. I go and create something even if it’s simply doodling in my art journal or writing lists, for some reason that helps.

    Hope you have a great day!

  53. Happy Birthday, Hanna! I hope that you have had a good day and that it will continue through the evening!

    What do I do for myself when I want to keep life in balance? I make something for myself or for someone for whom I care! It could be knitting a few inches, cooking/baking something, journaling (both art and word), making books, spending some time with a group of friends… All of those things help me to work through the things that rattle in my brain and/or to keep things in perspective.

    Thank you for sharing all of your good ideas with all of us!

  54. Hi Hanna, I hope your birthday was great. Remember, when considering the alternative, it’s best to just keep having those birthdays! I enjoy your happy and colorful art on Flickr, and usually forget to come to your blog, unless someone reminds me. Thanks to Tammy….

  55. I just started attending yoga classes. Love it! I am learning how to relax-what a gift! Happy Belated!

  56. I’m a believer that happiness doesn’t always show itself in the overflowing bubbles of emotion, but I can often find it as I practice being thankful and mixing layers of paint – COLOR!!

  57. Enjoy your Birthday Week! What makes me feel happier? Well, yes, arting around, of course, and stroking my almost one-year-old Siamese kitten is always so relaxing and hearing her purr makes me happy, too.

  58. Happy Birthday, Hanna! I hope you had a wonderful day. Making arty things makes me happy.

  59. Happy, happy birthday, fellow April-born lady! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity; I love Tammy’s blog and have been eyeing those zines of hers. When I need a pick-me-up I might have a cup of tea and read a magazine, or listen to upbeat music that I enjoy, or create a simple collage or throw some paint around for fun.

  60. I do art when I’m feeling low – especially drawing and painting faces. It makes me feel like I accomplished something, which lifts my mood! Happy, happy birthday, Hanna! You inspire me so much!!

  61. I listen to music that I love (at the time it’s Jack Johnsons In between Dreams from 2005) and make art in my journal. This makes me happy almost every time!

    Happy birthday – I had mine last week :)

  62. I doodle while I watch/listen to classical music or children’s television!

  63. I recently bought all of the zines based on your recommendations — so if I win, choose someone else! — but last week I felt very down so I decided to let my sad emotions out on the page… and ended up doing a series of sad girl paintings which I ADORE. I’m not sad now, but I’m still painting my girls!

  64. Happy birthday, Hanna! Wishing you another year full of art, crafts and everything nice! :)
    Things I do for myself? Hmm, it’s got to be one of the following: 1) play with my art journal, 2) do reiki, 3) create with my son (he’s two years and has an art journal, too! :) ).

  65. Happy birthday (a little late)!
    When I’m down I clean my room and start a new project – usually something I have been thinking about doing for a while.
    The e-zines look fabulous!

    Hugs from Kirsten in Norway

  66. Cool! I just had a birthday giveaway too! Wishing you a very happy (be it belated) birthday and hoping you have a wonderful creative new year ahead of you. Enjoy!

  67. grattis! :)
    I do art, I cuddle with kitties, I knit, I drink tea with sisters, I watch stupid TV like Jersey Shore…

  68. Happy belated birthday! Thank you for doing a giveaway. I’m currently doing a Lifebook for year 2012 to document all the happy, strange, unhappy, memorable moments in 2012 and am planning to do a mini zine about my travel to Cambodia. I spend a lot of time on swap-bot lately looking for swaps related to mail art and journaling. Even though I may not have time to do all of those swaps, it makes me happy just to see so many people are creating things. Take Care :)

  69. Hi Hanna
    When I’m sad I go shopping ….. nothing better to get back your good mood!!

  70. I’m a little late making the rounds, but I do hope you had a good birthday. This year was #45 for me so I just wanted it to be over with but my family managed to make it a very nice day, after all. When I’m down, I like to sketch little imaginary animals, people, or robots. Just silly little figures that make me smile.

  71. A belated happy birthday to you. Just looking at your blog makes me feel happy but otherwise I like to work in my journal.

  72. Walking along the beach always lifts my spirits! I wish I lived nearer to the sea!

  73. Wishing you a Happy Birthday. I go shopping without kids usually to the quilt shop or art store, buy a Vanilla Latte, read my blogs.

  74. Happy Birthday Hanna! May this coming year be even better than last year for you :)
    To keep balance in my life, to lift my spirits, I play in my art journal. That has given me more peace than anything ever before.

    Tammy’s ezines are so much fun and so inspirational, thanks for the opportunity to win the newest!

    xoxo MotherDana

  75. Happiest belated birthday!

    Giveaway sounds amazing :)

    I enjoy long walks in the nature with my dog, that“s what keeps me balanced :)

  76. Happy Birthday! I’ve been reading your blog for years and enjoying it, and I wish you happier times, lots of creativity, inspiration and love! :-)
    For me, what always makes me feel good is art and creating (although when I’m not in the mood, it’s probably just pinning and less creating ;-))

    • Dear Hanna, happy belated birthday!

      One thing I am doing for myself is NIA. To me it is a lovely way to concentrate, feel the moovements, the rhythm…..

      Thanks for the chance to get an e-zine of DaisyYellow as a giveaway from you. I started my first Journal yesterday. I am looking forward what will happen. *Many surprises await you!* (TDCC)


  77. Happy birthday Hanna. Making things with my hands make me pretty happy. Sometimes if I don’t feel so good I blast music really loud or go for a walking nature to find an equilibrium. Hope you got the cards i sent. Best wishes

  78. Happy Birthday! I like to play with colorful things, like organizing crayons and pencils.

  79. Hope you’re feeling happier about your birthday now that the pressure of the moment has passed ;-) Besides the obvious making art to make myself feel good, I sometimes just have to veg out with an old movie on the TV. Relaxing, no expectations and just a tad bit of guilt afterwards to get me up and moving! Don’t forget to celebrate your un-birthday now!!!

  80. Happy Birthday Hanna ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

    What do I do for myself when I want to keep life in balance?
    – journaling
    – crafting ( i love making something)
    – spend time with family and friends
    – learn and try something new
    – play with my cat ( =①ω①=)
    – praying and be thankful

    I’ve been your blog reader for long time and this is my first comment (^_^) . I love your writing because it’s inspiring me to start my creative life.

    Thanks Hanna 。◕‿◕。

  81. One thing lately is to work on my art journal. Sketching and watercolor makes my heart sing these days. It is so simple, not messy and I can just pick it up and go town!

  82. Happy birthday, Hanna! And you know what makes me happy? Reading your blog, because your pages are always so colourful!

  83. Bit late to the bandwagon but Happy Birthday! I hope you had a fantastic day and that this next year of your life brings you what you wanted and more, and when it doesn’t that everything and everyone you need to make you smile or see the brighter side is there too.

  84. I take time to read and to try to draw, color, or paint. Basically I try to add color to my life. Hopefully add some way of learning with art and connecting to an art community whether its online or in real life I try to connect.

  85. Happy Birthday! After a rough day at the office I spend my downtime in creative play, painting or working in my art journal.

  86. Draw. And I need to do more of it lately- seriously neglecting the ol’ drawing side of myself.

  87. First I want to say, your blog is great. I wish I found it sooner. You’re a great inspiration in so many ways. I really love your work and your creativity! <3
    Thank you for being such an awesome person.

    I love sunflowers, clouds and my blue sapphire ring. On days when I'm feeling down, to make myself happy, I wear the ring and take pictures of the clouds. I find it helpful when I write down my feelings and draw/paint sunflowers around the entry in my diary. And I often make backgrounds that are sky blue and paint clouds at the top and sunflowers at the bottom, kind of like a sunflowers field.
    I hope I gave a good answer for that question. :)

    • oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3 May you find joy and happiness everyday of your life!

  88. I read blogs! I love seeing all the happy creative colourful things out there. Most bloggers are really positive writers too, so I usually cheer up just reading their blogs and looking at their pictures and videos.

  89. Happy April Birthday!!! I go for a walk and enjoy nature when I want to feel energized and it does make me feel better. Or it could be nothing more than a nice cup of tea or making some scribbles on paper. I would love to win Tammy’s e-zine….thanks!

  90. When I’m having a bad day or just a rough time, I always listen to music. It calms me down and brings me to a peaceful place, almost instantly putting me in a better mood.