Spotted Photo Theme: Found Hearts


Today is the last Saturday of February, and it’s time for another Spotted Photo Theme! If you’re new to the concept you can read the introduction first. My theme in January was my cat and this time it’s hearts, as in found hearts spotted in different places. The above photo is one of my favorites! Your theme could be hearts or some other symbol that is reoccurring in your photos. Look through them and see what you find.

In my heart sewing

If you read this blog you know I’ve crafted many hearts (embroidered, clay ones, sewn, stitched, painted, collaged, felted and so on). Creative hearts. That’s why this post is Found Hearts. Please let me know in the comments if you join me, I would love to see your photo post!

Winnie the Pooh bag - inside
Winter love
Heart in the dark
Cut out heart

Spotted Photo Theme 2013I didn’t find very many photos with found hearts, but this year I will be looking for more!

For next month, I’m thinking Found Favorite colour (mine is pink). Do you bring your camera up at random to take photos of blue when you see blue tulips or blue houses? That’s what I do when I see something pink, and that is how I know Pink will be my theme colour. I’m instantly drawn to it. What colour are you drawn to?

Each theme seems to consist of Photos that makes me Happy! Oh and a last photo for today, a self portrait from 2008, when I was documenting a wedding:

Midsummer wedding Photographer 2008

See ya!

10 Responses

  1. love the heart photos – I am always on the lookout for hearts . . . and usually post them during February. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. I didn’t do my Scout themed found photos! What kind of found photo person am I?!

    These hearts are lovely. I like your self portrait.

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