Inspired at the Haberdashery

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.

Steve Jobs
Inspired by a vintage haberdashery in Sweden

Have you ever been inside a really cozy vintage Haberdashery Shop? The kind that you don’t want to leave. The kind where you wander around and touch materials. Where there are ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods for all your needs and wishes.

When I was in Visby recently we found a vintage looking fabric and yarn store there, and had to stay for a while. And it was a haberdasher’s shop for sure! A friend called it overstocked and difficult to navigate. I called it beautiful and chock full of inspirational materials. I wouldn’t want to work there, but in the piles of embroidery thread boxes I see color combinations, new patterns, and magic.

Checkered button held and photographed by iHanna of

Today I’ll give you a glimpse of that magic, through the lens of my iphone…

I find such delight in always having my iphone camera with me these days. The pattern of what and when I photograph has changed since I got an iphone, especially as a tool to collect inspiration. Taking photos with my big girl camera is a lot about being artistic and/or documenting everyday life. But using the iphone is like snapping a mental picture, to remember something when you get back home.


At art exhibitions, flea markets and stores, and when out and about in town, I snap a tone of photos! And I share very few of them on Instagram (where I’m @ihannas) because I don’t have the time/energy to upload all of them when I’m on the go…

Plus, I don’t think thats what instagram is about.

Embroidery floss photo by iHanna of

For me, instagramming is more about sharing that one image that I really like. I want to share something happy and simple. Often it’s me being creative or sharing something I just painted, collaged or created. But on this very blog, hehe, it’s totally another matter. Photo posts are fun!

I hope you don’t mind spending some time with me here?

Embroidery floss boxes photo by iHanna of www.ihanna.n

So I’ll start looking through my photo folder to see what I can share with you. I think you’ll be inspired by my inspiration snaps too. Here we go!

Embroidery floss and a tone of (rather expensive) buttons:

Metallic buttons photo by iHanna of
A whole lotta buttons photo by iHanna of
Beautiful buttons photo by iHanna of
Buttons in many different shapes

I adore the DMC boxes:

DMC boxes upon boxes photo by iHanna of
Embroidery floss photo by iHanna of

Embroidered Ribbons Galore photo by iHanna of
Embroidered ribbons. I don’t even know when I’d use any, but I want them!

Embroidery floss photo by iHanna of
Zippers are rather boring, but hanging like this – yum!

Sewing thread photo by iHanna of
A palette of sewing threads…

Embroidery floss photo by iHanna of
And also: Glitter yarn. Yum again.

Overall not a very pretty or organized shop, but the details, the details! Magic Haberdashery inspiration, don’t you agree?

** Follow me on instagram – for daily updates

7 Responses

  1. love love your photos. where i go to uni there is a shop where they resell donated craft items. my first time going there was amazing. i also took several photos. i have been visiting your blog daily (i first found it though googling diy planner) you’re blog is very inspirational! thank you.

  2. Definitely more than a couple of must have buttons there! One in particular would have been perfect for the handwoven shirt I’m sewing just now.

  3. I know just how you felt! I happened upon a shop in York that sold buttons. Buttons and buttons!! My heart did a flip too as I reached for my camera, such wonderful rainbow colours and textures, I smiled when I saw your ‘rather expensive’ range as I managed to but some identical to this at a craft jumble for silly money! Lucky me :) Thanks for sharing this and reminding me of York .

  4. When I first started reading, I had no idea what a Haberdashery Shop even was [so glad you told us for those like me who had no clue. lol]

    I’d LOVE to go to a store like that … tons of good stuff!! : )